There are many prayers and rites that can take place at the time of death and in the days that follow.  These prayers remind us of God’s abiding love for us and helps us acknowledge our loss.  There can be prayers near or at the time of death, at one’s home or in the hospital.  There can be prayers at the visitation, which might occur at a funeral home or at the church.  There is the funeral liturgy itself, and this can take place at the church or at the funeral home.  And then there are the committal prayers, which may happen at the gravesite or final resting place for the ashes.

In the midst of critical illness and at the time of death, our clergy and pastoral volunteers are available to lead some or all of these rites with you and your loved ones.

The funeral liturgy can take place in the church or at a funeral home of your choice.  This service may or may not include Holy Communion.  Our clergy and staff can help you to plan a funeral that celebrates the life of the person who has died and which blesses their memory.  This rite is also an important time for those who grieve to seek God’s comfort and to be reminded of God’s promise of eternal life.

The committal prayers may be done at the graveside.  At the request of the family, our clergy can also lead these prayers at the crematorium.

Our clergy and pastoral volunteers are available to provide pastoral support to those who grieve in the weeks and months following a death.  Please contact us if you would like to receive further materials and resources on the grieving process. It is suggested that clergy be contacted as soon as possible as you begin arrangements to ensure availability.